Anne Barenkamp

Chair of Social Studies Department
Instructor in English and History
B.A. Rhodes College
M.A. St. John's College, Annapolis

At TJ since 2013-2017; 2023

Fun Fact: Resides in the home her grandparents purchased in 1952.

Knowing she wanted to be an educator from age 14, Anne began teaching upper school Humanities in 2009 while in graduate school at St. John's College. Anne was first employed at TJ as a history and English teacher from 2013 to 2017, and she is delighted to be back as Social Studies Department chair, in a move that feels like a homecoming. Anne is intense about her love of history, literature, and helping students practice the skills that are required to study them well. Through historical role-play activities, a reliance on primary sources, research paper projects, daily seminar discussions, mini-lectures, and plenty of visible admiration for ​her students, ​Anne strive​s to make ​her classroom a​ place of great expectations, great fun, and great transformations. Anne's wish is that by the time her students complete her class in May, they will have cultivated a deeper fondness for history and literature than they had when they first joined her in August. She currently teaches English 7, Ancient World History, and American Studies. She's advisor to Prom Committee. Anne earned a bachelor's in English from Rhodes College and a master's in Liberal Arts from St. John's. Anne grew up in Kirkwood, Missouri. She now lives with her family in Webster Groves.


Thomas Jefferson School

4100 S. Lindbergh Boulevard
Saint Louis, MO 63127
P. (314) 843-4151
F. (314) 843-3527